
Like a whiskey with a kiss of hops. Three different versions distilled from three finished beer from Black Flannel Brewing Co. Unique, interesting.

Black Gold Malt Whiskey

Black Gold Barrel Aged American Malt Whiskey is reminiscent of a smokey-oaked Highland Scotch with defined dark chocolate notes in the nose and palate.

Oatmeal Stout

A relatively sweet dark ale commonly brewed with lactose. Combined with the lightly roasted character, this beer has a pleasant “coffee with cream” profile.

American Stouts are roasty, full-bodied, dark beers with moderate to fairly high bitterness and hop character.

Imperial Stout

A bold, malty black beer featuring chocolate, roasty, and coffee flavors with a large range of expressions depending on region and taste. Some, particularly American expressions, will feature substantial bitterness and hop aroma with a less fruity yeast profile, while English versions tend to favor a malt balance with more fruity esters.